Around 55 million americans own a dog, and 60 million own a cat. The population of pets it's growing everyday, and half of the population of USA owns at least one pet of some kind.
Unfortunately not all pet owners are responsable, and for different reasons animals suffer because of this. Million of pets are abandoned on the streets, only to suffer hunger but also to be at risk of many of the dangers or the street and diseases.
Other pet owners don't care for their pets, abuse them, and treak them in a cruel manner.
Also, they don't care for their unnutered/unspayed pets, and the concequence for this, is unwanted puppies/kittens.
One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in 6 years.
One female cat and her
offspring can produce 420,000 cats in 7 years.
This not only happens in America, but in the rest of the worl as well.
The links below are for the purpose of helping abused and abandoned pets.
You can help in many ways! And you wont regret it!
Thank you!
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