My Pets.
Here are my pets! I love them all! They are so cute!
I'll start with my niece, Maggie, she's was born on April 23, 1997.
She is a buff American Cocker Spaniel and she's the baby of the house! I lover her so much! She's the best dog ever!
Wanna know more about Maggie?
Visit Maggie's Page!
Next is my little Syrian hamster Lucilla, she is really fun and cute!
If you want to know more about my hamsters, just go to:
Below are some pics of my fish! I only have pics of three of them.
This one is Leonardo Da Vinci.
This one is Venus.
Although you can't really see him, this is Napoleon.
The rest are, Josephine, Romulus and Seti.
And last, but not least! The newest additions to the family! Loui and Lizzy!
Lizzy is on the left, and Loui on the right.
You can find out more about them by going to
If you wanna know anything else, just Me.