Care for your fish Tank!
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And the reason I do this is because I've been fighting for months to have the water of my fish tank clear and beautiful.
I'm not expert, but there are two main things that you should know, that's essential for the fish tank.
Number one, don't overfeed your fish, it is enough if you feed them once a day, no more, and don't give them too much either. Since the fish have a small organism, they cannot digest all the food, and if you feed them to much, more than half of it goes to the bottom, causing the fish tank to get dirty.
Sometimes they will look like they are desperate to eat more, (specially goldfish), but don't give them more than what they need, and what they need is a little only once a day.
Number two, make sure you have a good filter. I've had trouble with that, and I finally found that's great!
Make sure you find one that fits you and doesn't give you much trouble. For me, the ones that work the best are the ones that you change the cartridge. It's easier and faster to clean, and in my opinion they work better.
Just buy the cartridge, take the old one off, clean it a bit, and put the new one on, that's it!
I believe the one I have is Aqua-Tek
It works beautifully!
You can find that at Wal-Mart or your local pets stores.
Well, I wish you luck with your fish tank! And have happy healthy fish!
Oh! And one more tip, it's better if you have the bubble maker on your fish tank too, the fish need new oxygen all the time.
They are not expensive and you can get then in different sizes.