Thank you for coming to this page! And here's why this page is made....
There are 5,000 to 3,000 tigers left in the wild, and it is estimated that, in India alone, one tiger dies per day. If you don't do something about it they will extinct!
Plase, help save the tigers, visit the links below! Thank you!

Jaguars are only found in the Americas.
Jaguars were historically found from the southwestern United States to southern Argentina. Its range is now reduced; Jaguars
have lost over 50% of their range since 1900.
Most of the loss has occurred in Mexico and the United States in the north, and in Brazil and Argentina in the south. The
largest contiguous area of jaguar range is centered in the Amazon Basin and includes adjoining areas in the Cerrado,
Pantanal, and Chaco to the south and extending to the Caribbean coast in Venezuela and the Guianas.
Please help save the Jaguar before the extinct.
Thank you!

Feline Conservation Center.

Although leopards are not under great threat of extinction in sub-Saharan Africa, where there is
believed to be about 500,000 still in the wild, they are endangered in other parts of the world -
the Amur leopard (Panthera Pardus Orientalis) being under the greatest threat, where there
are believed to be between 30 and 50 remaining in the wild, in China and Russia, and their
numbers are unkown in North Korea. Poaching is its major threat, due to the leopard's value
in Chinese medicine, and although strict new penalties have been introduced, they have not
been overly effective in preventing illegal hunting. The Amur leopard's survival may depend
on breeding and reintroduction (into the wild). The middle eastern Arabian leopard (Panthera
Pardus Nimr), Israelean leopard (Panthera Pardus Jarvisi),and the Persian leopard Panthera
Pardus Saxicolor) are all nearly extinct, and the Northern Chinese Leopard (Panthera Pardus
Japonensis) is endangered with about 2,500 in the wild and 100 in captivity.
Please, help save the Leopard.
Thank you!

The fastest animal in the world is in a race for
survival. Wildlife experts say the graceful
cheetah is moving towards extinction with
alarming speed.
There were 100,000 cheetahs living across
Asia and Africa at the turn of the century. Ten
years ago, that number was down to 25,000.
Today a scant 12,000 of the cats remain,
scattered across Iran and sub-Saharan Africa.
Namibia is home to the largest wild population
of cheetahs in the world. Twenty-five hundred
of the animals roam the dry terrain of the
countries' commercial ranches.
Please, help save the cheetah, visit the links below.
Thank you!

The Cheetah Conservation

For more info about the felines, please visit the following site

If you have any organization or know of any website/endanger specie that is not listed here,
me. Thanks!